Wednesday, October 31, 2007

4 Months

Well, Jackson is now 4 months old, time has flown by! He is talking and smiling all the time now. We are having so much fun getting to know him. There are nights when he is so much fun we don't want to put him to bed! :)

We did have an incident the other day.... I was at MOPS and Jackson was in the nursery getting a bottle. He was having of the first few bottles we had done. He ended up having a reaction to something, we are guessing it was the milk. He broke out in hives, and those hives eventually turned into a blotchy rash all over his body. He also started vomiting and continued that throughout the night. Now anytime I feed him, he breaks out in a little rash around his mouth and gets horrible gas the point where he is crying for huge chunks of time (basically until he can pass whatever he ate). We go to the doctor again on Monday and will more than likely end up going to an allergist. Please pray for wisdom as we wait to see what the best treatment is for him (changing my diet or putting him on a milk free formula).

I know I promise pictures all of the time, so here is one of him in his Halloween "costume" :).

Love to all!

Jack hanging out outside

My Little Pumpkin Head

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

3 Months Already!?!

Please forgive me for being so long in has been crazy!!

Jackson is now 12 weeks old, we can't believe how quickly time has flown. He is already not fitting into most of his 0-3 month clothes!

We are very happy to say that the little man is now sleeping through the night (from about 9pm till about 7am) which is so nice for mom and dad both! He has started to roll over from his front to his back (he thinks its a fun game to play when mommy is trying to have BELLY time with him!). He is cooing all the time and starting to laugh a little bit...we are having a hard time catching a smile on camera. He smiles all the time but as soon as sees the camera, he gets distracted and just studies it! We will keep working on it!

We are in the middle of either fighting off a cold or teething...we aren't sure which yet! Jackson has been quite fussy for a few days now, and has a little fever as well as a runny nose and the need to chew/gnaw on everything in sight!!

Jon is busy working and playing with soon as Jack sees his daddy he lights up with a huge smile...its too cute!

Still no Internet at home so and I forgot the memory card, so no pics today..sorry! I will try to get some new ones up soon! Hopefully I will have more to write soon!
Love to all!