Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Often??

Well we now have Internet at home so the hope is that we will update a little more often....and load more pictures! We shall see how it all goes!

Jackson is doing great, he is saying "dada" all the time now and just said "mama" today for the first time...we still don't think he really knows what he is saying, but we can pretend, right?? :)

Jon is busy with work and getting the house in order. We just finished painting and redoing the living room. We got a new couch and everything!!

I (Sara) am just busy with Jackson, Jon, our house, church and working 2 days a week. Time sure is flying by!

I plan to get some pictures up soon...just wanted to let you all know we would be around more often! :)


Martinsburg Church of Bruin said...

Yay yay yay!!!!! Yay for internet at home!

Does Jon still need me to email him our blog posts, then?

Love you guys!!!!

The Lowerys said...

I would assume not, but you can email/facebook him and double check...i have your blog on our googlereader so he should be able to look at it there