Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jackson is One!!

Jackson turned 1 on Tuesday, this year has flown by! We had a birthday party on Saturday with all of the "in town" family. I am not sure that Jackson had any clue what was going on, but he sure liked the cupcake! :)

He got to open a bunch of presents but the highlight for him was probably the cupcake and then the swimming afterward to wash off!

We are all doing well, Jon is busy working (both at his job and around the house) and I am trying to keep up with Jack while also preparing for the next one! We find out next week if this baby is a boy or a girl. Jon thinks it is a boy, I am not really sure. I go back and we will just let you know next week!

Hope you all are doing well, we miss you all! Enjoy the photos below. I am going to try to post some videos also...hopefully they will work!

This is Jack after the cupcake, he took a swim to clean off.

Jackson on his First Birthday

When Jack first got there, he immediately found his presents!

The cupcake tower

Jackson loved the book he got from Sam

Tasting the cake...

Enjoying the cake...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Big News!!

Well, It's finally time to make the big announcement.....

We are pregnant again! This baby is due December 4th....which will put the kids ( sounds weird to say that!) about 17 months apart.....pretty close!

We think it will all be a lot at first but then it should all even out :)

See the below picture for an updated view of Jackson...he needs a haircut!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Six Teeth at One Time?!?!

Poor Jackson is currently cutting his top, front SIX teeth....all at one time! He has not wanted to nap all day and won't stop fussing. He will let me hold him for a little bit but eventually even that doesn't help! Pray that these teeth come through soon, he is breaking my heart!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

More Often??

Well we now have Internet at home so the hope is that we will update a little more often....and load more pictures! We shall see how it all goes!

Jackson is doing great, he is saying "dada" all the time now and just said "mama" today for the first time...we still don't think he really knows what he is saying, but we can pretend, right?? :)

Jon is busy with work and getting the house in order. We just finished painting and redoing the living room. We got a new couch and everything!!

I (Sara) am just busy with Jackson, Jon, our house, church and working 2 days a week. Time sure is flying by!

I plan to get some pictures up soon...just wanted to let you all know we would be around more often! :)

Friday, February 29, 2008

8 Months

Wow! I did not realize how long it had been since I posted anything!!

Christmas was very fun, Jackson was just beginning to realize what was going on. He loved seeing so much family and getting so much attention!

Jack is now moving all of the time! He isn't quite crawling yet, but we are close! He sits up by himself really well and since he isn't crawling yet he just plays where I leave him, SO NICE!!

He is down to eating just three times a day, though he does have some allergies. We took him to the allergist (on recommendation from our doctor) and found he is allergic to milk, eggs, and corn. The corn is the hardest thing to be allergic to since it is in all formulas and formula mixes (except of course for the most expensive one!). He is a great eater...he is a big fan of prunes and anything sweet peas.

He has just started really interacting with other kids, laughing at them or talking to them as they run by. I think we have quite a social kid on our hands!

Jackson has just started a new trick today of crinkling up his nose like something smells...he has been doing it all day! He does it whenever he sees something he likes, when he is smiling, when he is studying is too funny!

The past month has been so nice as Jon has had a change in his schedule to allow him to work 4 days on and then have 4 days off. Since he has this bigger break we are able to spend a lot more time together as a family, which has been so nice for all of us!

Hopefully I will be better about writing more often!!! Enjoy the pictures below!

Catching some sleep with Trey and Justin

Hanging out with Aunt Heather

Jackson got suckered into wedding dress shopping with Bubba and all the girls

Pop gave Jackson his first knife for Christmas....Daddy loved it too :)

The "Scrunchy Face"